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Adelns shopping under ett föränderligt 1700-tal

Riddarhuset Riddarhustorget 10, Stockholm, Sweden

My Hellsing, fil. dr, historiker vid Stockholms universitet Adelns shopping i stad och land på 1700-talet Gudrun Andersson, professor i historia vid Uppsala universitet Grevinnorna Spens konsumtion under ett föränderligt 1700-tal Fri entré, ingen föranmälan, begränsat antal platser. Portarna och serveringen öppnar kl. 16.30. Föredrag kl. 18.00–19.00. Servering och mingel innan och efter föredragen. Mat [...]

Malla Silfverstolpe och det öppna rummet. Om salonger i aristokratiska kretsar

Riddarhuset Riddarhustorget 10, Stockholm, Sweden

Eva Öhrström, professor em. i musikvetenskap vid Kungl. Musikhögskolan Fri entré, ingen föranmälan, begränsat antal platser. Portarna och serveringen öppnar kl. 16.30. Föredrag kl. 18.00–19.00. Servering och mingel innan och efter föredraget. Mat & Dryck Riddarhusets festvåning erbjuder ett härligt utbud av dryck och smörrebröd i samband med detta evenemang. Med reservation för ändringar.

Everyday life in the countryhouse – 23rd Annual Historic Houses International Conference

Everyday life in the countryhouse 23rd Annual Historic Houses International Conference Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses and Estates, History Department, Maynooth University 19-20 MAY 2025 Download information about the conference and call for papers here: CSHIHE 2025 Conference CFP For further information contact Dr Ciarán Reilly, Assistant Director, Centre for the Study [...]

Old wealth uncovered: Inequalities and intergenerational transfer in the long run (15th to 20th centuries)

Organizers: Martin Dackling, Lund University. Matteo Pompermaier, University of Brescia. Where and when: 2-3 June 2025, Lund University, Sweden. Application deadline: 31 January 2025. Economic inequality is considered one of the major threats of our time. Among the factors responsible for the unequal distribution of wealth, scholars highlighted the relevance of inherited wealth and the [...]

Women’s voices on nobility

Call for papers: Women’s voices on nobility International colloquium Institut catholique de Rennes, 5th-6th june 2025 Organization Bertrand Goujon (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, CERHiC – UR 2616) Camille Pollet (CRH – UMR 8558, CRHIA – UR 1163) Clément de Vasselot (Institut catholique de Rennes, CESCM – UMR 7302) Between 1637 and 1644, the Countess of Aranda, Luisa [...]

Rural History

The 7th biennial conference of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, from 9 to 12 September 2025, hosted by the University of Coimbra. For more than a decade, the EURHO Rural History conference has been a key event bringing together researchers and students from Europe and other continents. The [...]

Baltic Manors as a Shared Cultural Heritage

Association Baltic Manors and Vilnius Academy of Arts invite to submit proposals of papers for the international scholarly conference “Baltic Manors as a Shared Cultural Heritage” to be held at the Panemunè Castle in Lithuania on 23-27 September 2025. The conference aims to present and trigger international discussions about the latest research om manors in [...]

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